In the early hours of Sunday 13th July 2003 I was travelling South-bound on the M6 going home from visiting friends in Blackpool. I was driving at 50mph through some roadworks on a contra-flow on the North-bound carriageway seperated from the North-bound traffic by a series of cones when I was hit from behind by a white van. The impact was such that my air-vents in the car popped out along with my stereo facia and steering wheel centre piece. As I applied my brake the white van hit me again. This second collision pushed my car into a spin and across the carriageway, over the cones into the path of the North-bound traffic. As I traversed across four lanes I saw lights of other cars and I awaited the inevitable outcome. Fortunately nothing else hit me and I came to a stop on the first lane of the North-bound carriageway with only a few scrapes and a very sore neck.
The driver of the white van very kindly drove off without stopping and has never been found by the police.
My car was written off with unrepairable damage.